Moving Violations Costs are Expensive

Moving Violations Costs are Expensive

October 16, 2014

In case you are not aware, the fines imposed for moving violations dramatically increased in the last decade. California has a budget crisis and legislators in Sacramento decided to substantially increase the fines as a creative method to obtain more revenue for the state. Of course everyone should obey driving laws, but the penalties should be appropriate for the offense committed. Nevertheless, one should be aware of the hefty fines for violations. Here are some examples and costs associated with violations.




Traffic Ticket Fines (Effective 01/06/2011)

VC 14600(A) $214 Failure to notify DMV of address change within 10 days.
Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction.
VC 16028(A) $796 Failure to provide evidence of financial responsibility (insurance).
Note: This fine may be reduced with proof of insurance on or after the violation date.
VC 21453(A) $436 Failure to stop at a red signal.
VC 22349 $214 Unsafe speed, 1 to 15 miles over the limit.
VC 22350 $328 Unsafe speed, 16 to 25 miles over the limit.
VC 22454(A) $616 Passing a school bus with flashing red signals.
VC 23123(A) $148 Driving while using a wireless phone not hands free, first offense.
VC 23123(B) $256 Driving while using a wireless phone not hands free, each subsequent offense.
VC 23123.5 $148 Driving while using a wireless device to send, read or write text.
VC 23124 $148 Minor driving while using a wireless phone.
VC 22500 $976 Parking in a bus loading area.
VC 22507(A) $976 Violation of disabled parking provisions, first offense.
VC 22507(B) $1876 Violation of disabled parking provisions, second offense.
VC 26708 $178 Unlawful material on vehicle windows.
VC 27150 $178 Adequate muffler required.
VC 27315 $148 Mandatory use of seat belts.
VC 27360 $436 Mandatory use of passenger child restraints.
Note: This fine may be reduced by completing a court authorized child seat diversion program.
VC 27400 $178 Headsets or earplugs covering both ears.
VC 27803 $178 Violation of motorcycle safety helmet requirements.
VC 4000 $256 No evidence of current registration.
Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction.
VC 5200 $178 Proper display of license plates.
Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction.
VC 9400 $178 Commercial weight fees due.

Here are some tips to help you avoid getting a moving violation.

1. Avoid driving. This may seem absurd, but a sure way to avoid a moving violation is to avoid driving, or at least cut down on it. Walk or bike if you are just going to a nearby store or establishment. Of course, there are other ways to avoid moving violations, but this habit will also help you save money on gas.

2. Know and follow traffic rules. A simple rule of the road: don’t break traffic laws, and you will not get a ticket. The problem is many people really don’t know much about traffic laws and ignorance can never be an excuse. You may find it laborious to read The California Driver Handbook and the 2014 Vehicle Code but it’s worth the effort. Follow this link to the handbook:

3. Learn defensive driving. Aggressive driving can irritate other drivers and can put you in a dangerous situation. For example, getting into a race after someone overtook you in the road will most likely get the attention of the highway patrol.

4. Always be alert. Whenever you are in the road, always be on the lookout for road signs, particularly regulatory and warning signs. Following road signs will help you avoid moving violations but also keep you safe.

5. Be responsible. Never text or eat while driving since it will pose a safety risk to you and other drivers. Anything that distracts your attention from the road ahead makes you more vulnerable to road accidents and increases the potential to face charges for moving violations.

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